Thursday, May 23, 2019

Civil War Fort: carpentry instructions

This fort’s overall size is 11x16.  The tallest point is over 11’0” tall.  This instructional document is to help the novice or semi-experienced carpenter to create their own fort for their children or even pets.

The rampart area is four feet from the ground and the tower is six feet from the ground.  It has a double door entrance, two ladders, two tower areas (one open and the other closed) and a lookout hideaway.  There is an optional sandbox below the tallest tower.

I would like to point out that the instructional drawings are not to scale.  They are renditions to help visually explain certain details, not to be taken as scale models.  They are approximate shapes and patterns but very easy to follow.

I would recommend thoroughly reading the entire instructions before proceeding with construction.  There are options, choices and special notes that may be of interest to you.

Cost:  The price for the materials to build this project would be dependent upon what material that you purchase.  Some lumber is more expensive than others.  However, the original structure was designed with standard pine so the general cost would be around $1000, that would include hardware

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Basic Rules about Building a Frame

Building frames is the basic element in most construction.  Your house, apartment, deck and other projects are built with many frames put together to make boxes or floors or whatever.

The first basic rule: your short end of the frame will cap your longer ends.
            What do you mean?

If you are building a frame that is 4 feet by 8 feet(4x8), your 4 foot boards will cap your 8 foot boards, or in this case, 7'9".

         The reason the board is 7'9" and not 8'0" is to compensate for the 1 1/2" from each 4' board on each end.  In combination, they add up to 3" and therefore subtract that 3" from the 8'0" boards.  Therefore: 7'9".

You want to make a perfect 4x8 frame.

Rightly so, if you are building a frame from 1x4s, you need to subtract 1 1/2" from your shorter boards.  Such as, the 4x8 frame would have 2 boards at 4'0" and 2 boards at 7'10 1/2".

However, it is not always the case to have your short ends cap the longer boards.  In some cases, it is wiser to have your longer boards cap the shorter ones.  When your longer side is expected to hold weight, the longer boards should cap the shorter boards.
        The reason for this: You want the weight to push against the boards and not burden or stress the screws that are connecting your boards.

Good luck with your projects!

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Shotgun Fort carpentry guidebook

Build your own fort:

Some of us are not as creative or skilled enough to design our own forts.  This instructional document is to help the novice or semi-experienced carpenter to create their own fort for their children or even pets.

This 4x8 fort was specifically designed in a certain manner.  It is called a shotgun fort because it is straight back from the entrance like a shotgun apartment. The picture on the front cover is the fort that was designed for this plan.  Some modifications were made to simplify this plan for the novice.

These instructions are a guide to build a 4x8 fort that is roughly ten feet tall.  It has a ladder leading into a four by eight foot housing area.  The housing area is four feet from the ground and the roof is four feet from the deck.

I would like to point out that the instructional drawings are not to scale.  They are renditions to help visually explain certain details, not to be taken as scale models.  They are approximate shapes and patterns.

I would recommend reading the entire instructions before proceeding, thoroughly.  There are options, choices and special notes that may be of interest to you.

Cost:  The price for the materials to build this project would be dependent upon what material that you purchase.  Some lumber is more expensive than others.  However, the original structure was created with standard pine so the general cost would be around $500, which would include hardware.

Time:  I am not going to waste your time to estimate how long it will take you to assemble this fort.  Every person has a different speed and it depends on your tools and expertise, obviously.  As well as how much free time that is available to you.
Theoretically, it could be completed in one day.  Also theoretically, it could take you a week.  If you hire some of the contractors that I’ve heard complained about, it could take them a whole year.

There are further options to alter this plan at the end of these instructions.

Some of these options include moving the ladder unit somewhere else.  Creating a bench and table area.  Or building a sandbox at the bottom of this unit.

Barnes and Noble


Available on paperback($9.99):

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Dog House construction blueprints

Build your own doghouse:

Some of us are not as creative or skilled enough to design our own doghouses.  This instructional document is to help the novice or semi-experienced carpenter to create their own doghouse for their children or even pets.

This doghouse was specifically built in a certain manner.  The picture on the front cover was the doghouse built for this plan.

Some modifications were made to simplify this plan for the novice.  However the original was designed to be 4x6x5 doghouse with insulation.  There are options to place doorways in different places.
There are also 2 different doorway sizes, (1’6”x 2’0” and 2’0” x 2’6”)

There are two different plans: one plan is for the doorway to be in the front (The four foot section) and another plan is for the doorway to be on the side. (On the back half of the six foot side.)

These instructions are a guide to build a 4x6 doghouse that is roughly five feet tall.  The housing area is one foot from the ground and the roof is five feet from the deck.

On Kindle

For Nook

Doghouse, dog house, insulation, large dogs, large dog house, guidebook, diy, do it yourself,  do it yourselfer.

Buy on paperback ($9.99):

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Animal Pack: doghouse, chicken coop and more

Animal Pack is an instructional guide to construct a 4x6 doghouse, a 4x6 chicken coop, a 6x6x10 fort, a birdhouse and a 3x3x3 cat fort. This guide is for the do it yourself carpenter who wants to fill his place with forts and structures for their many beloved pets.

Buy on Paperback ($9.99)

doghouse, dog house, fort, cat fort, birdhouse, bird house, chicken coop, chicken house, diy, doityourself, carpentry

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Dog Fort

Build a 4x4 doghouse with two doorways on either side and a 2x6 porch walkway on two sides. Great for dogs who want to chill outside or cuddle inside.. Doorways are 1'6"x2'0". Good for medium sized dogs.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Chicken Coop w/ Sliding Shelves

Instructions on how to build a 4x6x5 chicken coop, box shape, with ramp to reach second level.  The back wall opens like a doorway to enter the back, slide out the nesting areas in order to clean or pluck eggs.

These instructions are a guide to build a 4x6 chicken coop that is roughly five feet tall.  The housing area is 6” from the ground and the roof is five feet from the deck.

Cost:  The price for the materials to build this project would be dependent upon what material that you purchase.  Some lumber is more expensive than others.  However, the original structure was built with standard pine so the general cost would be around $400, that would include hardware.

Chicken coop, diy, do it yourself, doityourselfer, chicken house, chickens, raise chickens, raising chickens, self sufficient living, self sustainability